Later in the afternoon/evening the wind picked up and started pushing larger 2-3' rolling waves into our ladders. More than a few times I had a roller knock me off the top step of my ladder and had to frantically grab the handle just to hang on. Extreme fishing if I have ever seen it! The coolest part was the fish were still biting! The problem was that a netted fish would divert your attention from the incoming waves. Ted learned this the hard way and took a wave about shoulder height while fighting with a netted fish. He was less than thrilled to have the 40F water go down his waders! I had good bite the rest of the night when it was just me and another fisherman (Ernie) sticking out the rollers.
After tent camping on the beach we had a decent morning bite at the same spot the next day. The fishing was considerably slower than it was on Friday, but there was a good morning bite for about 2 hours follow by a spotty action the rest of the day and evening. Ted managed to nail a nice 7lb fish with an indicator and a black midge. Later that evening there were pockets of decent fishing, but none were as good as the previous night.
Later that evening I tied into a better than average fish. I learned this trip that an average fish is affectionately called a "shaker" because that is about all they do on the end of your line once hooked.
Reaching out and netting someones fish was not an uncommon occurrence.
About an hour after landing this toad, I was yet again mindlessly pulling my bugs through the water, when I noticed a large dark brown silhouette following my fly. As I lifted my fly to recast (it still hadn't sunk into my brain yet that my fly had caught the attention of a lake monster), the fish turned his profile toward me and I could see his considerable size. He was easily bigger than my previous fish. Alas, he realized he was chasing some funny, not to mention there was a funny looking guy standing on a ladder right in front of him, and he peeled off back into the depths. As if I already needed another reason to comeback, I now have the image of this gator burned into my memory. I shall be back to catch you!
The rest of the day and night were fairly slow. We had good action on the deserted beach for a couple hours and then nothing. We hit another hole or two and got a couple more bites, but that's about it. That night we converged at the local watering hole (Crosby's Bar) to chat with some buddies. It turns out they had pretty slow fishing as well, but there were still quiet a few big fish stuck including at least one 15 pounder.
Monday morning was our last day on the water and the wind was blowing like crazy. Steve decide to forego the wind and just head for home. Ted decided not to fish, and I figured I might as well take another shot at that 10lb fish. Bruce and I got a couple more shakers, but that was about it. Tough end to a tough trip, but one that had pockets of sucess and plenty of big fish. What else could you ask for in a fishing trip?